Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Penans' Issue..

Bruno Manser Foundation set up by Bruno Manser to help the Penans of Sarawak has a noble cause..that is to preserved the way of life and culture of the only nomadic tribe in Sarawak. Since Switzerland have no more forest..or nomadic tribe..Bruno Manser have turned to other the pretext of preserving...have 'blocked' the government efforts to settled and develop the Penans..

Bruno Manser Foundation tried to confused the Penans by 'coaching' them to make a blockade or to say things they have never knew before..even sponsoring these Penans to visit Switzerland..a noble crusade indeed!!..with the intentions of tarnishing the image of the government..which is a bonus to the ever willing opposition Baru Bian.

Little do the Penans knew that they are just a 'pawn' for the ever persuasive' Bruno Manser..because for him.. the Penans are his tickets to a celebrity and legendary status..and in other word 'his pot of gold' if he could potray the way of life and culture through the endless films..or through the so called scientific researches...of the nomadic tribe..

Some might say the Penan girl are sexually abuse..but by whom? Is it the loggers or Bruno Manser himself? Bruno Manser spend years with the Penans..think for yourself if you are a physically fit hot blooded male!!...