Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Penan woman disclosed the truth : Bruno Manser Fund lied!

A 22 year old Penan woman lodged a police report over the 'rape' allegation reported by the Bruno Manser Fund. According to her she signed a document because she thought her daughter would get the treatment for her illness as promised by a Penan man known to her. She was tricked into believing that the man would help them, instead the man left them to stay at a Malay family in KL for three months and was only given RM100.00. She lodged a police report to clear her good name.
Well Harrison Ngau..Baru Bian...what say you?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Pakatan Rakyat Is Not An Alternative

It will be a disaster to the country if Pakatan Rakyat managed to form the federal government, said former Prime Minister, Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad. PKR, DAP and PAS leaders will never be able to agree on anything once they governed the country. Just look at what happened in Selangor, Kedah and Penang. PAS have never drop their main agenda, i.e to form an Islamic state which is against the wishes of DAP leaders, members and supporters. PKR on the hand solely want their adviser, Anwar Ibrahim to realised his dream of becoming the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Three political parties with three different agendas but fighting a common enemy. History have shown that a government formed based on 'marriage of convenience' could never withstand the demands and expectations of the masses.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

SUPP: Make Up or Break Up?

Dudong Branch in Sibu has caused a major 'crack' in SUPP. While SUPP leaders are arguing, debating and suing each other over the set up of Dudong Branch, DAP leaders are taking the lead in championing the chinese communities. It is true then that SUPP are no longer relevant to represent the chinese and championing their rights.

When will SUPP learnt from mistakes made by SNAP, PBDS and PRS.The squabbling amongst SUPP top echelon leaders will not only diminish their chances of winning any seats in the next state election but also jeopardise the other BN partners. DAP have everything to gain while SUPP is losing touch because of their own makings. SUPP had lost six seats in the last state election, still they have not worked hard enough to rectify their mistakes.

Could be SUPP is on the brink of breaking up?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

PAS only eyeing ' Muslim Seat' in Sarawak state DUN

PBB Vice President, Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman said there are no 'muslim seats' in Sarawak as claimed by PAS. Daud also said BN does look at religion as a factor to win seats. Saidin, the PAS representative during the opposition meeting yesterday mentioned there are 28 'muslim seats' although he failed to identify them. Saidin also said PAS will field candidates in all Muslim majority areas.

After 46 years of living harmoniously together regardless of ethnics, religion and culture, PAS is bringing in their brand of religious extreme politics to the Land Of The Hornbill. PAS brand of politic is not suitable in Sarawak. PAS brand is only meant for the Peninsular voters not Sarawakian.

What say you?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Effort to form Pakatan Rakyat in Sarawak Failed

DAP, PKR, PAS and SNAP fail to see eye to eye on seat allocation. DAP insisted that seat allocation must be resolved before the opposition pact could be formed. The overlapping claims over seats among the opposition members is the main issue that will complicate matters to form a more credible and strong alliance to take on BN in the next state election.

Though they have the same goal and foe, the opposition members are not likely to be 'generous' in the seat allocation. Each have their own agenda to be the leader of the pact. DAP being the most influenced of the pact in Sarawak will not surrender their traditional seats easily. PKR on the other hand would love to have 3/4 of the 71 seats. PAS is not well received in Sarawak because of their extreme religious views while SNAP, an almost extinct party due to its internal problems most likely will not give up their seats. Edwin Dundang, the SNAP President reiterated that SNAP want at least 29 seats!!.

Mustaffa Kamil Ayub, Sarawak PKR Council Chairman was confident that they will formed the next state government despite the meeting failed to reach any agreement on the formation of Pakatan Rakyat in Sarawak.

History have shown that if there are no consensus and solid proof agreement, any government formed by splinter groups of opposition are doomed.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Penans' Issue..

Bruno Manser Foundation set up by Bruno Manser to help the Penans of Sarawak has a noble cause..that is to preserved the way of life and culture of the only nomadic tribe in Sarawak. Since Switzerland have no more forest..or nomadic tribe..Bruno Manser have turned to other countries..in the pretext of preserving...have 'blocked' the government efforts to settled and develop the Penans..

Bruno Manser Foundation tried to confused the Penans by 'coaching' them to make a blockade or to say things they have never knew before..even sponsoring these Penans to visit Switzerland..a noble crusade indeed!!..with the intentions of tarnishing the image of the government..which is a bonus to the ever willing opposition lawyer..like Baru Bian.

Little do the Penans knew that they are just a 'pawn' for the ever persuasive' Bruno Manser..because for him.. the Penans are his tickets to a celebrity and legendary status..and in other word 'his pot of gold' if he could potray the way of life and culture through the endless films..or through the so called scientific researches...of the nomadic tribe..

Some might say the Penan girl are sexually abuse..but by whom? Is it the loggers or Bruno Manser himself? Bruno Manser spend years with the Penans..think for yourself if you are a physically fit hot blooded male!!...